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Life at Sola

Get to know:

Sara Lane

Software Developer III

Sep 4, 2024
Interested in applying to work at Sola? Find out why our employees love working here! We interviewed one of our software developers, Sara Lane, to give you the details. As a part of the Programming Team, Sara brings Sola’s ideas to life by building out our products and services. Her role as a full-stack software developer includes working as a part of a Scrum team to build .NET applications and APIs.

What attracted you to Sola as a potential employer?

Sola has managed to create the perfect blend between professionalism and warmth. They use cutting-edge technologies and have an excellent structure setup, and the people are incredibly nice and encouraging. Employees had told me about the non-competitive atmosphere and how pleasant the people are to work with. I must say that I am even more impressed with the company now than before I started! I really enjoy the work — it’s interesting, varied, and creative.


What makes Sola unique as opposed to other companies you have worked for?

I did not work on a team in most of my previous positions, and I thoroughly enjoy the camaraderie and learning that comes with working together. It has been a tremendous experience.


What is the office environment like at Sola?

Warm and friendly, as well as focused.


What's something your manager/team does to make you feel valued?

My manager is encouraging, supportive, and positive and posts shout-outs regularly on the company Slack channel. She makes sure to follow up on the various projects and is very helpful in moving them forward. She knows what’s going on and has her finger on the pulse. My team is supportive and helpful, and there is a strong, unified “team” feeling.


How does your team build relationships with each other?

There is a ton of communication and many productive meetings. Team members are encouraged to reach out to each other and work together.


How does Sola promote career and/or personal growth?

The leadership team is always thinking of new projects and encourages employees to learn new things. For example, there is “Sola University” every Thursday, where new concepts are introduced, and employees are active participants. Employees are also encouraged to attend industry events like the annual AWS Summit. In general, the company culture is to complete tasks in the best way possible without cutting corners. I have already learned a tremendous amount in the short time I’ve been here.


What is the work-life balance like at Sola?

Excellent! Great care is taken to minimize out-of-hours emergencies, and there is a lot of flexibility.


What is something funny that happened to you at work?

I was in an online meeting where we were discussing changes I had made in code. I kept trying to explain what I was trying to do, but nobody was listening to me, and they just kept talking over me. I couldn’t understand what was happening until one of my teammates Slacked me, asking if I was there!! It turned out that I was muted without realizing it. 😊


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